Saturday, September 15, 2012

Accutane - a prescription acne

Some forms of acne nodular acne, including fibrosis when the condition is severe acne. Accutane medication is used to treat severe forms of acne.
Warts usually marked by acne. And formed due to the excess oil to close the pores of the skin, which leads to the formation of lesions. These lesions are what we call buttons. Sometimes these warts harden over a long period of time to form what is known as nodules. Nodules eventually became cysts.

Abscesses often require draining by a doctor. They are one of the most severe types of acne, and may continue for a very long time (weeks to months). Accutane is a possible treatment for this type of acne. However, before you decide to buy Accutane to treat this type of acne, and seek medical attention primary.

Although highly recommended for severe types of acne, it is known that some of the serious side effects of Accutane. Prior to participation, the doctor will usually read and sign a form covering these side effects. The treatment begins only after making sure that you understand and accept these side effects.

Some serious side effects include birth defects in children who are not born yet possible, or even abortion. Currently assigned as the baby is born premature or Accutane. Recommend Thus, women who are pregnant or planning pregnancy should not take this form of medicine.

The psychological effects are also side effects of Accutane. Feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety overwhelm the patient which can lead to suicide. Been reported many cases of suicide among people who take this medication. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, weight changes and loss of social activity, anger and irritability.

These are some of the side effects associated with this medicine. And should report any of these symptoms experienced by the patient for a while on this medication the doctor immediately.

Acne: 10 most common myths

What we think we know about acne gradually been replaced by what scientists learn. At the same time, still many myths and disseminate afford. Clarify some misunderstandings about acne is what this article is about.
Myth # 1: Acne only affects appearance
Can also cause acne deep psychological distress. Can lead to severe acne low self-image and feeling depressed. There is a strong link between severe acne and social withdrawal.

Acne is caused by poor hygiene: Myth # 2
While associated with acne skin infections, and lack of hygiene are not the cause of acne breakouts. Is a combination of oil and dead cells that produce acne under the surface of the skin where it is impossible to clean away. Gentle cleansing with soap and water will once or twice a day to keep your skin as healthy as possible. Rub too hard can aggravate acne.

Acne is caused by certain foods: Myth # 3
Chocolate has long reputation as a pimple producer. Studies have shown no scientific evidence that this is true. The same holds true for potato chips and sugar. There are some foods that seem to aggravate (not cause) the condition: milk and foods that contain iodine, such as seafood

Myth # 4: Acne should take its course
There are many acne treatments available both over the counter medicines and stronger than dermatologist.

Myth # 5: acne medicine more better
Some people think that if acne is getting worse they should just use more medicine. This is a bad idea because the drugs can be dangerous when taken in large quantities. Excessive use of irritation acne ointments only other skin.

Myth # 6: sunbathing is good for treating acne
Exposure to the sun dries excess sebum, if it improves acne in the short term. However, long-term skin and adapt is troubled by acne. Worse, there is scientific evidence that exposure to the sun damages skin and increases the risk of skin cancer.

Myth # 7: Makeup causes acne
Some products can makeup clog pores, which is bad for the health of your skin. Cosmetics labeled "noncomedogenic" or "nonacnegenic" are safe to use. Some brands are made with ingredients that treat acne.

Myth # 8: Acne is a condition only teen
While most teens have acne, so a lot of adults. Acne usually disappears by the early 20s. But some people suffer from acne for the first time late in their 40S. Unfortunately, for most of it all, some people suffer from acne breakouts throughout their lives.

Myth # 9: acne is related to sex
We've all heard that probably either celibacy or too much sex causes pimples. There is no evidence for it. There is a link between sexual activity and hormone production, but the relationship between sex and the production of sebum (fatty material that combines with dead skin cells to cause acne) is not known. Tension and anger also affect hormone levels.

Myth # 10: popping pimples is the best way to get rid of them
Have emerged truth is pimples acne worse by spreading the bacteria that is the reason. It can also lead to eventually emerged scarring, which in severe cases, can be permanent.

acne,skin problems,pimples,spots

For treatment of skin smoother.
You have acne? Acne can the scourge of adolescence, but can be traced middle aged and beyond.

Acne is, in fact, the University of word for a variety of symptoms such as pimples, blackheads and comedones. This is a condition where clogged skin pores and pests person gets inflamed and non-inflamed.

So what is the reason for the obstruction of all? ......

Genetics - at least for the most part. Acne is genetic - it tends to run in families, it is a congenital defect of your pores. If your parents had acne, three out of four of your brothers and sisters also obtained.

Factors that can aggravate acne breakouts are: - stress, sun exposure, seasonal changes, and climate can trigger acne. Can certain types of makeup and taking birth control pills also cause penetration.

Change the composition of

Adult women, makeup is the main factor in the spread of acne, particularly petroleum products list. This is the oil that is causing the problem. The oil is usually derived from fatty acids that are more effective than your fatty acids. Use of non-oil-based makeup if you are prone to acne.

Read the labels.

And should avoid cosmetics containing lanolin, isopropyl Merestat, sodium lauryl sulfate, laureth-4 D & C and red dyes. Such as oil, and these ingredients are too rich for the skin.

Wash properly.

Wash cleansing every night. Use a mild soap twice a day and make sure you rinse the soap completely off your face. Rinse six or seven times with fresh water.

Use less cosmetics.

Whatever makeup you use, try to reduce the amount you put on.

Well left alone.

No blisters or snaps. A button is an inflammation, and inflammation can add to the pressing, which can lead to infection. Pimple it always go in one week to four weeks if you leave them alone.

When you know the pressure.

Best left alone more buttons, but there is a way that you can press to help get rid of him. If you have a button in the center of the small yellow pus head, then the crisis make it enjoyable pop open very pleasant. Once the pus of persistent organic pollutants, the pimple heal faster.

Blackheads attack.

You can also get rid of blackheads by squeezing. A blackhead is prohibited pores, and a great help rectifty crisis.

Attention to very dry skin.

Dry skin can be sensitive to certain classes of skin treatments counter, so please use these treatments with care. Start with less powerful products first, then gradually increase the concentration.

Stay away from the sun.

Medicines against acne can cause side effects of the sun, and the reduction of exposure that you know what will be the reaction.

Use treatment at a time.

Do not mix treatments, use one at a time, it can cause a negative reaction when they are mixed together.

Stop the spread of acne.

Application medication against acne on a half-inch in the affected area to help keep acne from spreading. Moves from acne on the face from the nose to the ear, if you need to treat outside the inflamed area. Most people make the mistake of simply treating pimples and not outlaying areas of the skin. There must be a mistake.

Accutane helps your skin renew itself faster

What is Accutane?Accutane is a form of vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil spilled by the sebaceous glands in the skin, and helps your skin renew itself faster.

Accutane is used to treat severe nodular acne. And is usually given after other medicines against acne or antibiotics have been tried without successful treatment of symptoms.

Accutane can also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

What is the most important information I should know about Accutane?
Accutane can cause serious birth defects if the mother takes a lethal drug during pregnancy. Can one dose of Accutane cause major congenital malformations of the child's ears, eyes, face, skull, heart, and brain. Never use Accutane if you are pregnant.
Should women of childbearing potential agree in writing to use two specific forms of birth control and pregnancy tests regularly before, during and after taking Accutane. However, if you have a total hysterectomy or were in menopause for at least a year, and you are that child-bearing age.

Accutane is available only under a special program called iPLEDGE. You must be enrolled in the program and sign agreements to use contraception pregnancy test as required by the program. Read all brochures and agreements carefully program.

It is dangerous to try and purchase Accutane on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States. Sale and distribution of Accutane outside of the iPLEDGE program violates the regulations of the United States Food and Drug Administration for the safe use of this medication.

What should I discuss with my healthcare provider before taking Accutane?
Accutane is available only under a special program called iPLEDGE. You must be logged in the program documentation and sign that you understand the risks of this drug and you agree to use contraception as required by the program. Read all iPLEDGE program brochures and agreements carefully. Ask your doctor or contact the manufacturer of the drug if you have questions about the program or written requirements.

It is dangerous to try and purchase Accutane on the Internet or from vendors outside of the United States. Sale and distribution of Accutane outside of the iPLEDGE program violates the regulations of the United States Food and Drug Administration for the safe use of this medication.

Do not use this medication if you are allergic to Accutane, parabens, or if you are pregnant or could become pregnant.
Before taking Accutane, tell your doctor if you are allergic to any foods or drugs, or if you have:

- Personal or family history of depression or mental illness;
Heart Diease, cholesterol or triglycerides -;
- Osteoporosis or other bone disorders;
- Diabetes;
- Asthma;
- A disroder (anorexia nervosa);
- Or liver disease.

If you have any of these conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take Accutane.

Accutane can cause serious birth defects if the mother takes a lethal drug during pregnancy. Can one dose of Accutane cause major congenital malformations of the child's ears, eyes, face, skull, heart, and brain. Never use Accutane if you are pregnant.
Women: Unless you have a uterus and ovaries removed (total hysterectomy) or were in menopause for a period of not less than 12 consecutive months, and you are that child-bearing age.

Required even women who have a tubal ligation to use contraception while taking Accutane.

You must have a negative pregnancy test 30 days before you start taking Accutane. Pregnancy test is also required before filling each prescription, and right after that take the last dose of Accutane, and again later in the 30 days. All pregnancy tests required by the program iPLEDGE.

You must agree in writing to use two specific forms of birth control beginning 30 days before you start taking Accutane and ending 30 days after you stop taking it. You must use the primary and secondary form of birth control together.

Primary forms of birth control include:

- Tubal ligation (tubes tied);
- Vasectomy of male sexual partner;
- The IUD (intrauterine device);
- Containing the pill for birth control estrogen (the pill not Mini);
- Spots and hormonal contraceptives, implants, injections, or vaginal ring.

Secondary forms of birth control include:

- A condom in addition to foam or spermicidal jelly;
- A diaphragm in the foam or gel spermicidal addition;
- Cervical cap in addition to A foam or spermicidal gel, and
- Vaginal sponge containing spermicide.

Do not take St. John's wort, an herbal supplement, if you are using another type of hormonal contraception, including patches, pills, implants, injections, or a vaginal ring. Bleeding may occur irregularly.
Stop using Accutane and call your doctor immediately if you have sex without protection, if you quit using contraception, if the menstrual cycle in late, or if you think you may be pregnant.

It is not known whether it passes Accutane in breast milk. Do not take Accutane without first talking to your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby.

About Acne: Getting the most out of your doctor

It is not trivial to have acne problems. If you're one of the millions who suffer from acne breakouts, you know it can be uncomfortable and even devastating to a person seriously injured. When considering treatment options, you may need professional help from a doctor or a dermatologist. These highly trained professionals are invaluable in helping to achieve clear skin. Even if they are not magicians who can make your acne disappear overnight, it may be essential in the diagnosis and treatment of you so that you do not have to suffer any longer than necessary.
It is important to remember certain things when visiting a specialist skin care. Because there are many people in the world who suffer from acne breakouts, dermatologists and often very busy with lots of customers. Do not let it you mood swings feel your doctor about your health and want to help. Here are some things you can do to maximize your visit when you see them. After doctor visits effectively help you overcome your acne sooner and also help you save money and time.

Firstly, do not be afraid to ask questions about your health. Remember, we are all different, so that the treatment is very effective with one person is not necessarily what will work for you. Learn the details of your case to help you better understand the state is trying to overcome. You may even need to write specific questions that you may have to ensure you cover all the topics you want to know.

The most important aspect of the doctor's visit is a good effective communication. By keeping some facts or aspects of your dermatologist you harm simply by giving them an incomplete knowledge of the facts. The doctor can diagnose only rule on what you told him, then I tried to be thorough with the details of your acne. Tell them when your acne can affect you, what you have tried other treatments to do before, what worsens your condition, and other factors that you think may apply. Tell them how it affects your acne, you emotionally and socially, and mental health is synonymous with your physical health.

Once the doctor and you have discussed your case, make sure you understand exactly what you will do in terms of treatment. Make sure you understand the correct way to apply the treatment and how long it will continue the treatment, and how long it will take before you start seeing results. Also, be sure and see if there are side effects that are associated with the use of treatment, and it will help you be better prepared in case of accidents or problems that may arise. Make an appointment to follow up with the doctor and discuss what your condition to be when you get back. If you are familiar with the treatment and research of the desired results, you will know soon if your current method is working or not.

Remember that there are many treatments that work better or worse for a person to another. Do not get discouraged if the first method to try to achieve the desired results. Be patient and work with your doctor and you will soon be able to find the most effective treatment that is right for you.

Acne, and types of symptoms

What is acne?
Acne is a chronic disorder of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Some of the characteristics of acne include blackheads, pimples, cysts, infected abscesses, and rarely scarring. Acne usually occurs during adolescence in both men and women. To be more specific, acne starts during puberty and tends to get worse for people with oily skin. Acne affects teenagers seriously. Only mild to moderate forms of acne occurs in middle-aged women. This can be seen acne most often on the face. Other places where can occur include the neck, chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and upper arms and legs. Most forms of acne are the result of heredity and hormonal problems and has nothing to do with dieting harmful or poor hygiene.

Types of acne

Acne begins in the same way for all but can take different forms and can react in a unique way and in accordance with the requirements of the person. A basic lesion called comedo is the beginning of acne. The comedo is connected dilated hair follicles with oil and bacteria residing beneath the skin's surface, and waiting for the right conditions to grow into inflamed lesion. Whenever the skin produces more oil, bacteria multiply in the swollen bursa. Surrounding skin becomes increasingly inflamed with white blood cells fight against the intruders. Two main types of acne include inflammatory acne and inflammatory acne.

Non-inflammatory acne

Closed comedo:

If clog pores remain under the surface of the skin, called the scourge pimple closed. This usually appears on the skin and small white bumps. This condition is called otherwise as Whitehead.

Open pimple:

If it expands and pushes the components through the surface of the skin, called an open lesion on a pimple. The dark appearance of the components are not due to dirt, but due to the accumulation of melanin, skin pigmentation element. This condition is called otherwise as blackheads.

Inflammatory acne


This appears on the skin and small business pink bump. The papules are tender in nature and are often considered an intermediary step between the pest is clearly inflamed and sore.


These are small round lesions that contain pus and inflamed visible, appearing in a red base with white or yellowish center. Pustules do not contain a large amount of bacteria. The inflammation caused by chemical irritation from sebum components such as free fatty acids.


These are large pus-filled lesions that are usually present in the depth of the skin. Cysts are very painful lesions, because they are inflamed. Cysts due to form the contents exceeded pimple surrounding skin, due to the local immune response in the production of pus. And often leave deep scars cysts.

Acne conglobata:

It is severe acne infections are rare but in the first place that develops on the buttocks, back and chest. In addition, the presence of pustules and cysts, there may be an acute bacterial infection.


Common symptoms of acne include persistent recurring red spots or swellings on the skin known as pimples. Buttons become inflamed and filled with pus. Buttons usually appear on the face, chest, shoulders, neck or upper back. Other symptoms include dark spots with open pores at the center, which are known as blackheads, bulged spots under the skin without openings, which are known as pimples, red swellings or pus-filled lumps, which are commonly known as pimples. Blisters or can blackheads develop blisters. Inflammation of the fluid-bumps under the skin known as cysts are also a symptom of acne. These cysts can become as large as one inch in diameter.

For adult acne

And often thought of acne in teenage dilemma, and while it is true that acne appears most often during adolescence, it could be argued equally true that there are a growing number of people who suffer from adult acne.
Can adults in their twenties to fifties acne still face the flares. And adults are acne has many negative effects, just as a person acne in adolescence. Perhaps even more than the stress of career and family adds to the strain of living with unsightly skin problems.

Mental stress could be one of the main reasons for the appearance of acne in adults. This is not a surprise at all that women are often more likely to suffer from adult acne than men, as it has been proven that women have much more stress in their daily life to everyday life, much less be subject to hormonal imbalances, especially at a time like the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. As a teenager, and hormones play an important role in the onset and exacerbation of adult acne.

Can environmental factors that surround a person associated with individual lifestyle also play a major role in the emergence of adult acne. And a poor diet or behaviors such as smoking and drinking affect the skin condition and microbial resistance and acne, as well as other diseases.

Prevention is the only way to go clear when it comes to adult acne. A proper diet, paired with plenty of water and rest is a good start. Can try to ease tensions and maintain skin care and personal hygiene also helps prevent acne.

But what about buttons that you may already have? There are many treatments available for people who have adult acne.

Anti-acne medications and certain products of skin care, and even laser surgery are just some of the many treatments available for acne treatment on the market today. Visit a qualified doctor or dermatologist is the only way to determine the severity of your acne really is and find the right treament available for you.